Professor Ciara Heavin from University College Cork, Ireland and Professor Alexander Rabasa from the University Miguel Hernandez, Spain visited the Wessex Institute campus in the New Forest to discuss collaboration in the field of Big Data Innovation and Applications.
The huge amounts of information from companies, entrepreneurs and governments greatly complicates the process making in any field. Innovative technologies and new applications in different branches of science and engineering can explore the inter-relationship between people, processes and technologies in a variety of big data scenarios.
The two colleagues held discussions with Professor Carlos A Brebbia, Director of WIT and Ms Irene Moreno, Conference Manager of the same Institute, in order to launch an International Conference series on this topic.
The conference will aim to bring together expertise in Computer Sciences, Statistics and Business as well as practitioners, offering leading edge solutions to data management from the perspective of Big Data, Data Mining, Data Analysis and Business Intelligence. From these disciplines all stages of the Data Management process are addressed, ie data collection, integration, storage, pre-processing, analysis and visualisation.
If you are interested in hearing more about this important meeting, ie the research work carried out at these three Institutions please write to: