Tetiana Sakalo is a graduate of a Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics (KNURE), Ukraine and has recently passed her MPhil viva with a thesis on “Ontology modelling for the information sharing processes within the labour market”. The external examiner was Prof. Nathan Clarke, School of computing, University of Plymouth and the internal examiner was Dr Andres Peratta.
In the thesis the process of exchanging information between participants of the labour market has been investigated and ontological models for employer and customer have been developed.
The corresponding information is structured in accordance with the ontological models of employer and customer for providing effective data exchange. On the basis of the indicated ontological model, queries to specialized information resources in the Semantic Web environment are formed.
The developed ontological models are implemented in an Internet portal that provides services to both human resources departments of companies and jobseekers. The main data used in the created system OntoJob consist of information from employees’ CVs, as well as descriptions of companies and open positions.
The results obtained are of practical importance since new information technologies have been developed on the basis of methods, models and algorithms for meta-context data exchange.
As a result of her research, both examiners recommended that Tetiana be awarded the degree of Master of Philosophy.
Grateful acknowledgement is given to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office for their support.