Measurement of Base Station Antennas Radiation
Tanja Nekrasov graduated from University of Split, Croatia and has successfully passed her MPhil Viva at WIT with a thesis on ËMeasurement of Base Station Antennas RadiationË. The external examiner was Prof Michele Bozzetti from the Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering at the University of Bari, Italy and the internal examiner was Prof Carlos Brebbia.
Tanja’s research investigates the influence of electromagnetic radiation on humans produced by base station antennas. The electric field in the far zone, generated by a base station antenna, situated on the roof of a building in a populated urban area, was measured using standard equipment. Measurements were taken at two different locations. Both the broadband measurement, using the isotropic probe, and the narrowband (frequency selective) measurement, using the spectrum analyzer were carried out. The experimental results were used to calculate the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for the simplified model of the human body. SAR induced on the surface of the human body, spatial 1-g SAR and whole-body SAR were calculated. The obtained SAR results were compared with the international and national safety guidelines for human exposure to high frequency electromagnetic radiation and it is shown that the acquired results are well below all specific limits.
As a result of her research both examiners recommended that Tanja be awarded the degree of Master of Philosophy. Tanja has now returned to Split, Croatia where she works in the company Ericsson as a Systems Integration & Verification engineer.
Grateful acknowledgement is given to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office for their support.