Analysis and Design of a Document Management System for Universities
Natalia Ostroverkha, graduated from Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Ukraine and has successfully passed her Master's viva at the Wessex Institute of Technology with her thesis entitled “Analysis and Design of a Document Management System for Universities”. The external examiner was Dr Rinat Khusainov from the University of Portsmouth, UK and the internal, Prof Viktor Popov.
Her research was dedicated to the analysis of university document management systems. Investigation of existing technologies in the area of system analysis was conducted in order to support the design of an electronic document management system (EDMS). As a result of research, the Concurrent Object Modelling and Architectural Design Method (COMET) was chosen for modelling the EDMS. An EDMS module for the Department for Training International Students in Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics was designed and implemented to illustrate the proposed approach.
In order to assess the efficiency, the basic university system and the proposed EDMS were simulated as queuing systems. The proposed EDMS approach showed a reduced time in document processing and increased reliability in comparison with the traditional system. Moreover, due to the parallel and object-oriented nature of the developed administrative system models, they may be used for further designing and implementation of equivalent systems on reliable and high-performance distributed computer networks.
As a result of the viva, the examiners recommended that Natalia be awarded the degree of Master of Philosophy.
Natalia is very grateful to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office for their support.