Air Quality Analysis in Southern Kuwait
Layla Al-Awadi who obtained a BSc from Kuwait University, has successfully passed her MPhil viva with her thesis entitled "Air Quality Analysis in Southern Kuwait". Her external examiner was Prof Vahid Nassehi from Loughborough University and the internal examiner was Prof Carlos Brebbia.
There has been great concern about the air quality in Southern Kuwait from the community and media especially the Ali Sabah Al-Salem (ASA) residential area, which is located in Southern Kuwait and is surrounded by many possible sources of pollutants influencing the air quality in this region. The location of this area is unique as it is situated downwind from the largest oil fields in the country (Burgan) and governmental and private industries.
The objective of this work was to investigate air pollution in the residential area, Ali Sabah Al-Salem (ASA). To this end a survey was conducted to monitor the air pollution levels of this area, highlighting (PM10), (SO2), (NOx), (NO), (NO2), (O3), (CO), (CH4), (Non-CH4). The exceedances of air quality threshold values are calculated and compared with Kuwait EPA standards. The seasonal variation of daily averaged concentrations for these gases were studied and the relationship between them explored. The seasonal variation of hourly averages of (O3), (CO), and (NO) have been presented as midweek effect and weekend effect to reveal any differences between them. The meteorological parameters especially temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction have been considered in the discussion of the results.
As a result of the viva and based on the research carried out, both examiners recommended that Layla Al-Awadi be awarded the degree of Master of Philosophy.